Poem – Do Not Sneer At This Poem (By Agbaakin O. Jeremiah)
Do not sneer at this poem
Call me a bard of doom
But do not sneer at this poem:
The searing sun
tickled the ribs of the sky
it all stared,
yes, that tragedy began with a safe smile
squirting in the form of slender drizzles like sick tubers.
they say Mother Nature is slow to anger
indeed, a flood is a slow snail
preparing for the waterloo ceremony
the mute moon ran away
when agonised voices of house-losers
and the sounds of houses
falling flat as a Yoruba godson before an elder
deafened the serene
in the lair of space and time.
They said the flood was blood thirsty
that’s why the four sparkling rivers in my hamlet
wore a red scarf across their loins
and persecuted trees had no choice but to finally rest
but there’s still no rest.