Poem – Donald Trump and Mother Teresa (By Donal Mahoney)
Donald Trump and Mother Teresa
Time’s a jet plane
when you’re young.
You go to school
get a good job
marry someone nice
and have a family
if that’s your calling.
Then the kids grow up
and move out and
things start falling
apart even if you
have a pension and
many now won’t.
Poor health sneaks in
like a submarine
and in time you forget
to take your pills
so the kids find a place
where folks give folks
like you your pills
every day on time.
Then one day you die
and find out if you had
the right goals in life
all those years you tried
so hard to do things right.
Mother Teresa found out.
Donald Trump will too.
Donal Mahoney
Author Bio:
Donal Mahoney lives in St. Louis, Missouri. He has had fiction and poetry published in various publications in the U.S. and elsewhere. Among them are The Galway Review (Ireland), The Recusant (England), The Missing Slate (Pakistan), Guwahatian Magazine (india), Bluepepper (Australia), The Osprey Journal (Wales), Public Republic (Bulgaria), and The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey). Some of his earliest work can be found at http://booksonblog12.blogspot.com and some of his newer work at http://eyeonlifemag.com/the-poetry-locksmith/donal-mahoney-poet.html#sthash.OSYzpgmQ.gpbT6XZy.dpbs