- Antarctica Journal - https://www.antarcticajournal.com -

Poem – Edits Don’t Exist Right Now (By Mike Roeder)

Edits Don’t Exist Right Now

Light shines through the tiny space between shade and wall highlighting her curve and the wrinkled sheets next to her point to the bassinet turning a whole new emotion.

A joy unknown now near fully realized and permanent—something to live and die for. They’re both real, breathing quietly in the next room.

The hum of the machines drone on and the sting of reality lurks overhead like an assailant on the six o’clock news while a love still grows wild and overgrown

And a formula stain once given on the sweat pants now mysteriously disappears and the morning travels to a new home from the day before.

It’s time to sleep for a moment and wake even sooner as a joyous struggle continues.

Now today becomes tomorrow while tomorrow became today. Time almost feels useless if not for prescheduled appointments no one really asked for and the magnificent.

