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Poem – EQUUS & ANIMA (By Peter Taylor)

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November and I’m walking home after work,

shortcut through the paddocks

with a chill ground fog

closing in around me,

animals huddled together stare

dull eyes in a dull light,

mesmerized by their own breath.


The field is a vision of hoar-frost and sculpture,

necklaced with fences.

Air so still I hardly notice them at first—

big sorrel and girl—

standing twenty yards off

after a run.


Body steam swirling around them,

she strokes the wet flanks

in a curious pantomime

of reward or habit,

oblivious to everything but the movement

of her hands, the impatient

stamp on frozen ground.


Adrenalin still pumping

its sheer force of being,

the horse is restrained by the shy

syllables of a girl

mounting in slow motion:


cold leather yields

to thigh and back

as nostrils flared she turns him


with the enduring gentleness of her will.


Originally published in The Linnet’s Wings (Ireland)

