
Poem – From The Alcove (By Naushena)

From the Alcove

As I peep through my window
From the alcove,
A theater starts its never ending show
From dawn to dusk
Of street goers,
Pedestrians heading towards their work,
Some striding some slithering unwillingly,
Now a street urchin, bare feet strolls
Scavenging for a trinket or food,
Women of all ages walking
In the sweltering heat of summer
To add to the frugal income,
A guard with an untucked shirt
Relieved from his nocturnal shift
Going towards his home and family,
Across the road, a motel billows smoke,
The hubbub of customers and
The smell of fresh bread from the tandoor
Permeates the air,
The yellow carpeted path by the golden shower tree,
A tinker carrying his heavy sack
Hoping to be called by
The sleeping dwellers of bungalows,
Now a rickshaw makes u-turn
To the call of a distant passenger,
An addict lying motionless on the roadway
Oblivious of the hot sun and
The loud honking of speedy cars
But the old man with a wrinkled face
And callous hands and his push cart of dates
Is missing, I wonder why.

