
Poem – I Have Not Forgotten Fancy (By Emmanuel Stephen Ogboh)

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I Have Not Forgotten Fancy



“Talk about the devil 

And show me the angel, Fancy

Who doesn’t need an anvil 

To forge or hammer his fallacies”


Chapter One:

forgive me;

I’m unworthy to lace your fancy shoes,

I’m unworthy to call you a lair;

I’ll leave that to the voices in your guitar—

the ones that knew you as a l o v e r

& the ones hiding the sins on your covers.


Chapter Ten:

blessed is the coy white v i p e r;

blessed are his twelve virtues—

one:      laying baits for ants to see,

five:      luring prey into a thick fantasy,

seven:  forcing men into women’s shoes,

nine:     spreading ‘innocence’ for fans to see,

eleven: unmentionable! (only for those who “fail to see.“)

twelve: wrapping & sharing packs of scented w i p e r s.



Not all that glitter are gems—

There’s paint, there’s sheer Fancy, too,

Snaring little boys with lyrical gospels,

Drowning them in praise, and in holed promises.


Not all that glitters withstands heat.

(Like the teeth sparkling over a studio mic

Barely an hour after chewing Sodom

And being smeared with Moab.)

