Poem – INTER ARMA SILENT LEGES* (By Ray Gallucci)
(Based on the movie “The Conspirator,” about the trial and execution of Mary Surratt, one of the convicted conspirators of the Lincoln assassination)
“In war, the law falls silent,”
As Cicero first said,
For when the times are violent
Emotions trump the head.
No “habeas” of “corpus”
Or “sparing of the rod”
Can serve the “noble purpose”
Of vengeance wrought by God.
First manifest when Lincoln’s
Conspirators were tried
As other than civilians –
Were legal rights denied?
A military jury
Of officers, not peers,
In somewhat of a hurry
Convened to quell all fears.
The nation was in shambles
From four-year Civil War.
No time to read Preambles
Or Bill of Rights pore o’er.
Just five of nine for verdict
Of guilty to return.
And just one more converted
Meant death would guilty earn.
Found guilty, four were sentenced
And hanged without appeal
To sate the nation’s vengeance
Or Justice Blind reveal?
But only one year after,
The Court Supreme proclaimed
No citizen hereafter
Could ever more be framed.
However, post-Pearl Harbor
The Court reversed itself
When ruled for Nisei proper
As captives to be held.
Debate’s now resurrected
For War on Terrorists.
Should they have rights protected
When so much threat exists?
To me, depends on whether
Or not they’re citizens.
If so, then we should render
As all Americans.
But if they’re Al Qaedan
Or Talibanic plants,
They merit nothing more than
What we to spies would grant.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter_arma_ enim_silent_leges