
Poem – Melody (By Fabrice B. Poussin)



With delicate touch through the air,

she penetrates in words the hearts of all;

perfume and incense that hypnotizes,

her being travels in time and space.


With lines of enthralling pictures,

flowers raise above the cotton rag,

clouds float softly across an always blue;

she sings life so quietly it reaches all worlds.


She needs no catapult, nor laser ray,

nor missile launcher to cause murmurs

among the stars, above and far beyond,

like a sweet wave eternal.


Her oceans are not of this Earth;

as the cobweb teases her gentle face,

a kitten crosses the threshold and on her life

leaves his light paw prints tender.


She walks incognito in the halls of life,

charmed just to be alive, glad;

she wants no notice here, smiling softly;

woman, private, simply, she is.


She hides a life intense, deep behind those blues,

one which in little worlds she shares at times,

sensing these are just tidbits of a giant,

I wait patiently for her next syllables.


Sing odd darling of the heavens;

do not be afraid, neither too proud;

your creation changes tenderly, in a brush

of your life, as you walk these halls.

