Poem – My Heart In A Cave (By Melissa R. Mendelson)

My Heart In A Cave
by, Melissa R. Mendelson
A long time ago,
I had a dream
that I hid my heart
deep inside a cave.
Why I did this?
I don’t know,
but now I was stumbling through the darkness,
struggling to hear its beat.
Its rhythm had thundered across the stone walls once.
It thunders no more,
and as I fall forward
and cut my skin apart
do I realize
how cold I’ve grown,
how empty I’ve become.
Do I care, if I left my heart here?
I didn’t need it.
They tore it apart,
so I buried it far away
from the cruel hands of this world.
But I needed it.
I needed to feel something,
at least one more time,
but what if in its place,
I find nothing but stone?
I fear this darkness to become me,
but no, I won’t end up like this,
another shell scattered along stone,
and despite my fear, my panic,
I hear something.
Somewhere deep inside,
my heart still waits for me.