
Poem – Out of Tears (By Ndifreke George)


In a world of deaf people

No one hears her cry

Or even her scream for attention

The abandoned beautiful girl

In the paradise of carnivorous men

Ravaged for times she has lost count

And her sweet mother is unaware

That her only teenager is not just a woman

But has been used to menopause

In a world of busy people

No one takes a minute to notice

That her beauty has faded to dust


In a world of blind people

No one sees her mountainous pain

Etched bold on her face

Just after another bloody experience

She will soon become a young mother

To a child she will forever hate

Who will call her step father, Daddy

Mum is so madly in love with the dog

And is sure to tray the blame on her

In a world of billion people

She is so lost in the crowd

And is on her own all by herself

