Poem – Pall Mall (By Ray Gallucci)

The Mall which I frequented
Has now been left for dead.
The thriving shops oncesplendid
To other haunts have fled.
Where once there was a FoodCourt
Are now just empty chairs.
No Kiddie Train to transport
Their laughter here to there.
My decade past resembles
The fate of this sad Mall.
Where once I crowdsassembled,
Now none will heed my call.
I sit here ‘mid the silence
Lamenting better days.
Aware I’m now an island
No tourist visit pays.
About Ray Gallucci: I am a Professional Engineer who has been writing poetry since 1990. I am an incorrigible rhymer, tending toward the skeptical/cynical regarding daily life. I have been fortunate to have been published in poetry magazines and on-line journals such as NUTHOUSE, MOTHER EARTH INTERNATIONAL, FEELINGS/POETS’ PAPER, MÖBIUS (when Jean Hull Herman published), PABLO LENNIS, MUSE OF FIRE, SO YOUNG!, THE AARDVARK ADVENTURER, POETIC LICENSE, THUMBPRINTS, UNLIKELY STORIES, BIBLIOPHILOS, FULLOSIA PRESS, NOMAD’S CHOIR, HIDDEN OAK, PABLO LENNIS, POETSESPRESSO, SOUL FOUNTAIN, WRITER’S JOURNAL, ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS, DERONDA REVIEW, LYRIC, THE STORYTELLER, WRITE ON! and DANA LITERARY SOCIETY.