Poem – Progress (By Patrick J Dorrian)

We moved from filth to slime,
It wasn’t swift, it took some time
But movement came and we progressed.
We moved, from place to place,
Stayed a while and then we chased
Our dreams to rainbow’s feet.
We moved, from grass. To concrete grey,
Some roads we took and lost our way,
To live again as filth and slime.
WE changed,
We changed the very air we breathe;
Clean water gone, can’t drink nor bathe,
Unless we want a hormone wash.
We changed our food, our DNA,
They say it’s safe, there is no way,
All Nicotinoids and GMO,
We watched, as things that swam
Changed sex at false esters whim,
We watched but did not a thing.
We watch, quiet still but make no act,
It’s now our turn and that’s a fact,
To be poisoned by our greed.
Patrick J Dorrian lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Married with three adult children, Patrick is a retired teacher of geography with a wonderful poetic talent to share.
If you enjoy Patrick’s work, please take a moment to follow him on Twitter.