
Poem – Quick Picks (By Gary Beck)

Quick Pics

A baseball player

wanting to win

stands for the National Anthem

hand on heart,

but not really listening

intent on getting a hit.


A concentration camp guard

wanting obedience

listens to a Beethoven sonata,

swept away by its beauty,

while his prisoners,

live in terror.


A business man

wanting greater profits

listens to classic rock on his IPOD

while signing the contract

that will move his factory

to another land,

costing thousands of jobs at home.


A politician

wanting more power

listens to whale music,

trying to sooth his seething mind

while plotting and scheming

for higher office,

at the expense of the people.


An immigrant

wanting a better life

listens to salsa,

while trying to quell her fears

that an irate president

frothing about dreamers,

will send her home.

