
Poem – Reflections (By David Russell)


First there was a God

Bounded by no face,

Faced by no bounds.


Yet first there was a mirror

(What first is first with no bounds clear?)


The mirror drew the sun,

Scored with its bounds the sky

And drew the God a face –


And drew the God to Man;


So drawn, the God transgressed –

Now knowing circumscribed.


It was his lot

To seek the sun’s end;


He was absorbed


(And which was first is first with no bounds clear?)


Author Bio:

David Russell was born in 1940. Resident in the UK. Writer of poetry, literary criticism, speculative fiction and romance. Main poetry collection Prickling Counterpoints (1998); poems published in online International Times. Main speculative works High Wired On (2002); Rock Bottom (2005). Translation of Spanish epic La Araucana, Amazon 2013. Romances: Self’s Blossom; Explorations; Further Explorations; Therapy Rapture; Darlene, An Ecstatic Rendezvous (all pub Extasy (Devine Destinies). Singer-songwriter/guitarist. Main CD albums Bacteria Shrapnel and Kaleidoscope Concentrate. Many tracks on You Tube.


This poem is part of the complete collection; Speculum: Collected Poetry and Prose, by David Russell.

View or Download the complete collection here in PDF format.

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