
Poem – ROMAN RUMINATION (By Ray Gallucci)




I went to visit ancient Rome,

But found it never fell.

Its buildings may seem crumbled stone,

But it’s alive and well.


Its mighty temples still exist

Though in an altered form.

Its rings of gold and amethyst

Still fingers rich adorn.


For in the City Vatican

The emperor still reigns,

Descended from Octavian,

Worldwide now his domains.


The trappings of pomposity

Are fully on display

To glorify antiquity

The Roman Catholic way.


Upon the Hill Capitoline

Sat Caesar on his throne

Until the rule of Constantine,

Who eastward looked to home.


Successor of St. Peter took

The reigns of Rome in West.

He found when its foundations shook

Himself sole ruler left.


The statues of the Roman gods

Were chiseled into saints,

And temples where the Vestals trod

No more would pagans taint.


Now priests still Roman togas wear

(But claim they’re Asacred robes@).

And Pope is carried in a chair

While incense burns in globes.


So what has changed from Rome

That Romulus and Remus deigned?

An emperor still sits upon a throne

And holds the chains.


But visitors like me are awed

By Rome’s reputed ruins,

Until the Tiber’s banks I cross

Where Rome Eternal looms.


(Published in THE SHELTERED POET, February 6, 2010, pp. 4-5)

