Poem – THE DOGE’S PALACE (By Ray Gallucci)

THE DOGE’S PALACE – By Ray Gallucci
(in Venice, Italy)
The bones remain, but flesh is gone,
The lungs that breathed, heart pumping strong,
The ruling brain that made it great –
The Doge’s Palace, left to Fate.
Amid the fossils, can you feel
The power once it dared to wield,
Controlling trade through maritime
Predominance of Venice prime?
Canals now pump with tourists’ blood
To keep alive what once it was.
The adage true – “This too shall pass” –
Proves memories are all that last.
About Ray Gallucci: I am a Professional Engineer who has been writing poetry since 1990. I am an incorrigible rhymer, tending toward the skeptical/cynical regarding daily life. I have been fortunate to have been published in poetry magazines and on-line journals such as NUTHOUSE, MOTHER EARTH INTERNATIONAL, FEELINGS/POETS’ PAPER, MÖBIUS (when Jean Hull Herman published), PABLO LENNIS, MUSE OF FIRE, SO YOUNG!, THE AARDVARK ADVENTURER, POETIC LICENSE, THUMBPRINTS, UNLIKELY STORIES, BIBLIOPHILOS, FULLOSIA PRESS, NOMAD’S CHOIR, HIDDEN OAK, PABLO LENNIS, POETSESPRESSO, SOUL FOUNTAIN, WRITER’S JOURNAL, ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS, DERONDA REVIEW, LYRIC, THE STORYTELLER, WRITE ON! and DANA LITERARY SOCIETY.