
Poem – TRINITY AFFINITY (By Ray Gallucci)




“And the three men I admire most,

The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

They caught the last train for the cost

The day the music died.”

(from Don McLean’s “American Pie”)


The three men I admire most,

Though passed, remain alive

To me because of what they wrote.

Their legacies survive.


Most favor Verne or H.G. Wells

As fathers of their art.

But Isaac Asimov compels

As science fiction’s heart.


The strengths of both he blended best –

Verne’s science and Wells’ tales –

“Foundation” series holy quest

Or “Nightfall’s” darkest veils


When comes to natural history,

A realm of rare intrigue,

One fashioned it as mystery

Till none was in his league.


Gould, Stephen Jay, the master of


Of Burgess Shale; how life evolved –

His work’s the apogee.


Now taking quite a different route,

We turn to Hollywood.

When Roger Ebert spoke, we knew

‘Tween Ugly, Bad and Good.


For he reviewed like one of us –

Not critic, but a fan.

Not every film of Oscar must

Be worthy just to scan.


And if my three have caught the train

That Don McLean’s are on,

Then I can rest assured their fame

Will not be quickly gone.

