Poem – Intrusion (By Gary Beck)

Intrusion   Forced entry into caves, mud huts, castles, log cabins, condos, has been a constant, despite best efforts of self defense, violent penetration usually resulting in looting, rape, slaughter, violation of the dwelling, yet more survive in modern times, courtesy of better law and order.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at […]

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Poem – Carousel of Marriage (By Donal Mahoney)

Carousel of Marriage Harry and Grace had a carousel of marriage while it lasted. There were arguments galore and children by the score  or so the neighbors thought as they counted kids running across their lawns causing divots to fly and  dogs to bark, a canine  tabernacle choir.   Fireworks on the Fourth were peaceful in comparison. The kids would light their  crackers in the yard while  Harry and […]

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