Poem – Remembering (for Eduardo Galeano) – By Mankh

Remembering (for Eduardo Galeano) – By Mankh “I’m a writer obsessed with remembering…”                                    – Eduardo Galeano Having heard them before, sometimes when they are nowhere to be seen i hear geese calling. Is this, Eduardo, how you were obsessed with remembering? Once touched by something that commands eyes skyward, heart shifting its pumping, the feet stopping in their tracks […]

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Poem – Transactions (By Gary Beck)

Transactions   Tourists stream through Bryant Park intent on destinations cultural, culinary, diverse entertainment, mostly shopping, acquiring goods too costly at home, pursuit of a bargain once a typical quest of Americans abroad. Now prosperous foreigners rummage our land as we once rummaged theirs.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at some of […]

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Poem – Arcachon (By John Swain)

Arcachon Ebb tide to sea wave breaks, headland entrance, bay flow while the mooring buoys lie beside their weighted chains, seas gather, a grass island rises for the gull and heron-spear. A blue pinasse sits in mud, pine trees, lighthouse, dunes open to the south, I close my eyes to the winds, lips dried by sun, wine soft, horse swims, […]

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