Poem – GEDANKEN WHAT I DESERVE (By Ray Gallucci)

“GEDANKEN WHAT I DESERVE” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_experiment)   Albert Einstein went “gedanken” in his search fortheory knocking Galileo and Sir Isaac from their pedestals on high. There upon a light beam traveling, Einstein perchedto try unraveling All the mysteries of physics he’d encounteredby-and-by.   From his seat he saw no passing of his time, butwas amassing An infinity of matter till all […]

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Poem – Travelogue (By Gary Beck)

Travelogue   Voyagers no longer disembark at decayed seaports, piers rotting where sturdy ships once docked delivering the wealthy the hopeful, travel plans replaced by accommodating airlines getting us to destinations so quickly there’s no transition between coming and going, just adaptation to climate change, time change, when we conclude our journey.   This poem is part of a collection […]

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Poem – DROWNING (By Ajise Vincent)

DROWNING   next year, when cavalries of storms shall come riding like the flood of noah & the earth convulses torrents on the passage of breaths i shall not swim with fishes or mermaids but savor the utility in the ploys of death: the sweet business of drowning   Author Bio:   Ajise Vincent is an Economist and Social researcher […]

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Poem – DOPPLER DELIGHT (By John Zedolik)

DOPPLER DELIGHT – By John Zedolik The Doppler effect drags away the angry horn that melts like unattended ice cream on an August day in an unnoticed street drain and the careless eater’s fingers have found protection in napkins guarding against the sticky-sweet that might cling to exposed skin and require a washing if said consumer even cares, since it […]

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