Poem By SIMON PERCHIK * She wraps your limp the way the sun marks out its darkness and along the ground pours a small circle –you’ll make it back   she says, writes on a pad kept open how seabirds will call each other over and over force their feathers   though your shadow too has taken on that phase […]

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Poem – Salt and Pepper (By Donal Mahoney)

Salt and Pepper   White privilege it’s called and recently I learned its name although I’ve been white as a sheet for decades. Like breathing and eating I take  white privilege for granted.  I push a cart through a megastore in bib overalls and no one follows me and when I hail a cab in a snow storm, it picks me up. My freckles may be a stop sign.   Not so […]

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Poem – 27th HIGH WAY (By Ajise Vincent)

27TH HIGH WAY   tonight, cobblestones have eaten into the earth, the potholes are gone; tender voids, noxious like hollows of black holes. the congestion twirls & begins to evaporate like smoke. automobiles compete with winds.  & the beggar who sits with a dog, sniffing goodwill & coins. looks on, wishing the road remained shapeless, tainted with contours, like the […]

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