Poem – Intrusion (By Gary Beck)

Intrusion   Forced entry into caves, mud huts, castles, log cabins, condos, has been a constant, despite best efforts of self defense, violent penetration usually resulting in looting, rape, slaughter, violation of the dwelling, yet more survive in modern times, courtesy of better law and order.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at […]

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Poem – Travelogue (By Gary Beck)

Travelogue   Voyagers no longer disembark at decayed seaports, piers rotting where sturdy ships once docked delivering the wealthy the hopeful, travel plans replaced by accommodating airlines getting us to destinations so quickly there’s no transition between coming and going, just adaptation to climate change, time change, when we conclude our journey.   This poem is part of a collection […]

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Poem – Ostracan Heroes (By Frank Eze)

Ostracan Heroes “the sky is still flushed in the face, the rains will not come soon” said the sweet-toothed seer who swam in sorrow and reeked of sins beyond the blood of the lamb so we sprinkled our sweats prodigally on our cotton-mouthed field whose crops waved naively to a flight of famished birds hovering, chirping and flapping their wings, […]

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