The Danger of Keeping Secrets

The Danger of Keeping Secrets

Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying “You’re only as sick as your secrets” which you know is one of the hallmarks of alcoholism, addiction, and deception.  The addict keeps the secret to cover up their addiction which leads them to deceive themselves and others.  When alcoholics become sober, they tend to be totally honest with people, to keep themselves from going […]

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China’s Deadly Smoking Addiction

China's Deadly Smoking Addiction - Antarctica Journal News

A study shows that the smoking addiction is growing in China and by the year 2050 it may be the cause of about 3 million deaths a year in China.  This growing epidemic smoking addiction is the leading cause of premature death of half of the Chinese males.  There are at this time about 300 million smokers and they are […]

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Antarctica Journal - Opioid Epidemic In America

There is an opioid epidemic in the US which has contributed to the deaths of Americans.  Approximately 1.5% of Americans have died from opioid overdoses which is more than the 1% of Americans who died in the Vietnam War.  In the late 1990’s pharmaceutical companies assured medical institutions that opioids would not become addictive.  So, with this information the medical […]

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Cough syrup with codeine has become a high black-market item in Nigeria where one pharmaceutical company stated that they can sell one million cartons a week.  Since alcohol is banned in Nigeria the people have gone to getting high on cough syrup with codeine.  They mix it with soft drinks and consumed by students.  Codeine addiction is at epidemic levels […]

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