Life of Penguins

Life of Penguins

When an El Nino hits, the lives of penguins are in peril.  During the 1997 El Nino the penguin population fell by a third. During Climate Change a difference in temperature of at least one degree can be a life and death situation for penguins.  Researchers followed a group of about 15 breeding penguins from 1992 to 2010 on the […]

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When spiders fall from the sky

In southern Australia, it’s raining spiders. Spiders can ride the wind using an ingenious migration technique known as ballooning. Residents of Goulburn, Australia, received a startling demonstration of the phenomenon last week, when hundreds of thousands of tiny spiders descended from the sky on gossamer parachutes. “The whole place was covered in these little black spiderlings, and when I looked […]

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Climate Research Expedition to Antarctica via Airbnb

Climate Research Expedition to Antarctica via Airbnb

If you are interested in a research expedition to Antarctica then Airbnb is looking for you.  It will be an all expenses paid trip for five lucky travelers.  You will get to work with some researchers to study the climate on this freezing continent.  The trip will be with Ocean Conservancy with Kirstie Jones-Williams.  Kirstie studies the impact of microplastics […]

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Large Antarctic Glacier Cavity Found

Antarctica Glacier Cavity - Antarctica Journal News

A large Antarctic glacier cavity two-thirds the size of Manhattan has been discovered. Scientists have discovered a huge cavity at the bottom of a disintegrating glacier in Antarctica, creating concerns that the ice sheet is melting much more rapidly than expected. The researchers found the cavity using Italian and German satellites and ice-penetrating radar from Nasa’s Operation IceBridge, which uses […]

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Destroying Antarctica While Attempting To Save It

Destroying Antarctica

Are the scientists working to save Antarctica’s fragile ecosystem inadvertently contributing to its destruction? Could they possibly be Destroying Antarctica? A new study has linked a chemical used in flame-retardants—called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)—that is contaminating the Antarctic environment to Australia’s Casey research station. Researchers found that dust and treated wastewater at the station contained PBDEs and another chemical that […]

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