Antarctic Thaw Now Unstoppable

The continued melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet is progressing faster than expected, and the resulting rise in sea levels will have a global impact.The stark new findings point to a potential sea-level rise of up to 10 feet or more in the coming centuries. This increase in the global sea-level will threaten many major cities, including New York, […]

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Antarctica’s Native Insect

Antarctica’s Native Insect - Antarctica Journal News

Antarctica’s native insect, the Antarctic Midge is a flightless insect that can survive nine months frozen at temps of at least negative 15 degrees Celsius.  It loses about 70% of its body fluids and can live for about a month without oxygen.  The midge survives because of its combination of rapid cold hardening and warm temperatures in its underground habitat.  […]

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Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem

Antarctica's Subterranean Ecosystem

Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem is quite interesting. In Antarctica researchers have found an undersea ecosystem under an iceberg that broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula.  They say that Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem has been hidden for over 120 thousand years.  As the iceberg moves it will reveal about 2240 square miles of seafloor that has been hidden from light.  The scientists will […]

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Life of Penguins

Life of Penguins

When an El Nino hits, the lives of penguins are in peril.  During the 1997 El Nino the penguin population fell by a third. During Climate Change a difference in temperature of at least one degree can be a life and death situation for penguins.  Researchers followed a group of about 15 breeding penguins from 1992 to 2010 on the […]

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When spiders fall from the sky

In southern Australia, it’s raining spiders. Spiders can ride the wind using an ingenious migration technique known as ballooning. Residents of Goulburn, Australia, received a startling demonstration of the phenomenon last week, when hundreds of thousands of tiny spiders descended from the sky on gossamer parachutes. “The whole place was covered in these little black spiderlings, and when I looked […]

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Climate Research Expedition to Antarctica via Airbnb

Climate Research Expedition to Antarctica via Airbnb

If you are interested in a research expedition to Antarctica then Airbnb is looking for you.  It will be an all expenses paid trip for five lucky travelers.  You will get to work with some researchers to study the climate on this freezing continent.  The trip will be with Ocean Conservancy with Kirstie Jones-Williams.  Kirstie studies the impact of microplastics […]

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