King Crabs Are Invading Antarctica

King Crabs Are Invading Antarctica

The waters off the west coast of Antarctica has started to warm up over the past 50 years. The temperature has risen about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit, warmer than the average water temperature worldwide.  It has reached the temperature of 34 degrees which is warm enough for king crab to survive.  Normally the king crab live on the continental slopes and […]

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You Can Get an Antarctica World Passport

Antarctica World Passport

You might not be a resident of Antarctica, but “no biggie”, say artists Lucy and George Orta. They’re giving out Antarctica passports, anyway. You can apply for an Antarctica passport online through the Antarctica World Passport program. In 1959 the Antarctic Treaty stipulated that the southernmost continent “shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become […]

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Motte and Bailey Castle Discovered In Antarctica - Antarctica Journal News

Satellites have revealed that there may be a Motte and Bailey Castle in the icecap of Antarctica.  It shows an Antarctica castle shaped formation that is about 400 feet across and could be man made in the deepest outreaches of Antarctica.  Civilizations may have lived in the polar region many years before the actual discovery in the 1800’s.  Humans may […]

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Adventures in Antarctica

Adventures in Antarctica

When you travel to Antarctica you are in for a trip of a lifetime.  Because of its location you are required to travel with a government scientific program or have a private expedition take you there.  The over 50,000 tourists that travel there every year find the sightseeing and wildlife watching most adventurous.  Unless you can sail your own boat, […]

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Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica

Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica

The Pine Island Glacier has been melting due to a volcano heat source that researchers have found underneath the glacier in Antarctica.  The volcanic activity was first noticed in 2007 and then verified in 2014.  This volcanic activity was discovered by some scientists at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography.  From January to March of 2014 scientists […]

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Climate risk to inflexible penguins’ chicks

Crested and rockhopper penguins are threatened by climate change – but this time the penguins could be at risk because they cannot change their own ways. Evolution has left them with a rigid parenting strategy, probably well adapted for climate conditions so far. But as temperatures rise, conditions change and food supplies become precarious, the inflexible roles of male and female […]

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