Tag: budget
Almost Half of Americans Don’t Have $500 in Savings
If you don’t have money in your savings to cover an emergency bill of at least $500 you are not alone. About 46% of Americans don’t have the money to cover any emergency which is lower than it was in 2013 when it was 50% according to a Bankrate report. Some Americans say that they have enough in their savings, […]
Read moreHow U.S. debt went out of control
How did the U.S. debt get so high? The crucial turning point came back in 2001, said Lori Montgomery. At the time, Uncle Sam was actually running surpluses, and “the outlook was so rosy” that forecasters were predicting the U.S. could pay back every dime it had ever borrowed. That’s when President George W. Bush made a pivotal decision: Rather […]
Read moreIt was a good week for . . .
. . . painless budget cuts, after 14-year-old Suvir Mirchandani of Pittsburgh calculated that government agencies could save $370 million a year in ink and paper costs by printing all documents in the thinner Garamond typeface instead of Times New Roman.
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