Radiation from medical scans

Patients are getting larger and perhaps even dangerous doses of radiation from the growing number of advanced medical-imaging tests being ordered by doctors, a new study says. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, analyzed data from millions of patients who received medical treatment between 1996 and 2010. They found that the number of patients who underwent CT scans […]

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Pope Francis Cures Cancer With Papal Kiss

Pope Francis Cures Cancer

A Philadelphia baby has a new lease on life after a kiss from Pope Francis. Parents and followers believe that Pope Francis cures cancer simply by kissing this ailing infant. It’s the kiss Gianna Masciantonio’s parents call the Miracle on Market St.  They insist the quick kiss during the pontiff’s recent visit to the city is partially responsible for her […]

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The Truth About Red Meat

The Truth About Red Meat

If you are eating red meat are you at an increase risk of dying from heart disease or cancer?  As for heart disease it is possible because red meat has high levels of saturated fats.  If you have high levels of LDL cholesterol, there is a higher risk of heart disease.  Its not clear that eating red meat will cause […]

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