Why Did The Worlds 2nd Largest Emperor Penguin Colony Disappear?

Emperor Penguins Wiped Out - Antarctic Ice Shelf

In 2016, the world’s 2nd largest emperor penguin colony had been wiped out overnight. Thousands of emperor penguin chicks drowned after an ice shelf in Antarctica collapsed. In the years following the catastrophic collapse of the ice shelf at Halley Bay, Scientists have concluded that no breeding has been detected in the area since. On average, approximately 15,000 to 24,000 […]

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Penguins Relocate as Ice Melts and Plants Spread

Penguins Relocate, resulting in many other geological changes. The Antarctic Peninsula, one of the fastest-warming regions on Earth, is experiencing significant environmental changes due to rising temperatures. As the ice retreats, both the physical landscape and the region’s delicate ecosystems are undergoing dramatic transformations. A major consequence of this warming is the shifting distribution of penguin colonies. These iconic birds, […]

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Rising Temperatures Kick-Start Subarctic Farming In Alaska

We’ve heard a lot about the negative effects of climate change in the arctic and subarctic. But some Alaskans, like farmer Tim Meyers, are seeing warming temperatures as an opportunity. Now that potato harvest is underway at his Bethel farm, Meyers uses a giant potato washer, like a washing machine for root vegetables, to clean California white potatoes. They’re some […]

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70 Ways To Save The Earth

70 Ways To Save The Earth Unplug your electronics at night Certain electrical appliances need to be turned off at night instead of being left on “phantom power” – standby mode. An average home has about 40 products that drain power constantly. These products are unnecessarily leaking electricity, especially your TV, gaming devices, etc. Turn off all your lights when […]

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Antarctic Thaw Now Unstoppable

The continued melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet is progressing faster than expected, and the resulting rise in sea levels will have a global impact.The stark new findings point to a potential sea-level rise of up to 10 feet or more in the coming centuries. This increase in the global sea-level will threaten many major cities, including New York, […]

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