Demographic suicide

Among the consequences of Europe’s aban-Ife donment of its religious roots and the moral “code that derives therefrom is a plunge in its birth rates to below the replacements level. Abortion, birth control, acceptance of gay marriage and casual sex are driving the trend. Europe is “committing demographic suicide, systematically depopulating itself,” according to Weigel. United Nations population statistics back […]

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Grandma orcas know best

Like many human families, killer whales often rely on the wisdom of matriarchs to help them endure hardships and thrive, new research has found. Male orcas usually live for about 50 years, but females often survive well into their 90s, making them one of the few mammalsthat live for decades after they stop reproducing.   Marine scientists studied the behavior […]

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Does Wi-Fi damage sperm?

If you’re worried about infertility, don’t try to Google the term with a computer on your lap, says the London Telegraph. A new experiment suggests that radiation from a single Wi-Fi-enabled laptop may be strong enough to cause cell damage in sperm. Argentine researchers took samples of ejaculated semen and left them directly under a computer—simulating holding a laptop directly […]

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Pesticides and IVF

Women who are trying to get pregnant through IVF (in vitro fertilization) are finding that if they eat too many fruits and vegetables that are sprayed with pesticides might be the reason they can’t conceive. A study of Pesticides and IVF was conducted on 325 women trying to conceive.  They were given questionnaires to fill out with the information regarding […]

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