10 Foods Predicted to Go Extinct

How Climate Change Could Affect Our Diet  Climate change and a shopping list? At first glance, it seems just a wrong correlation. Well, it is not! Climate change is already affecting our present and it will heavily influence our future. The extreme weather conditions brought by climate change are progressively increasing the risk of drought, floods, heat waves and wildfires, […]

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The Truth About Red Meat

The Truth About Red Meat

If you are eating red meat are you at an increase risk of dying from heart disease or cancer?  As for heart disease it is possible because red meat has high levels of saturated fats.  If you have high levels of LDL cholesterol, there is a higher risk of heart disease.  Its not clear that eating red meat will cause […]

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This pesticide – chlorpyrifos – was banned by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) about 20 years ago for indoor use and was in the process of banning it for outdoor use when Dow Chemical made a million-dollar donation to President Trump’s inauguration committee, they reversed their decision.  These toxic chemicals have been known to cause brain damage, low IQ’s, lung […]

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The Healthiest Fruit

All fruit isn’t created equal when it comes to preventing diabetes. A Harvard University study that tracked the diets of more than 185,000 people over 12 years shows that eating strawberries, oranges, peaches, plums, and apricots has no impact on a person’s likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. But grapes, apples, grapefruit, and blueberries do help ward off the disease. […]

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