Weather Channel Founder Claims ‘Global warming the greatest scam in history’

The open deliberation about environmental change is done – on the grounds that it has been completely demonstrated NOT to exist, one of the world’s best known environmental change doubter has asserted. John Coleman, who helped to establish the Weather Channel, stunned scholastic’s by demanding the hypothesis of man-rolled out atmosphere improvement was no more deductively dependable. Rather, what ‘little […]

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Ice Levels In Antarctica Increasing

Cynic contentions that Antarctica is picking up ice every now and again rely on a slip of oversight, to be specific overlooking the contrast between area ice and ocean ice. In glaciology and especially regarding Antarctic ice, not everything is made equivalent. Give us a chance to consider the accompanying contrasts. Antarctic area ice is the ice which has aggregated […]

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Antarctic Thaw Now Unstoppable

The continued melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet is progressing faster than expected, and the resulting rise in sea levels will have a global impact.The stark new findings point to a potential sea-level rise of up to 10 feet or more in the coming centuries. This increase in the global sea-level will threaten many major cities, including New York, […]

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