Poem – Salt and Pepper (By Donal Mahoney)

Salt and Pepper   White privilege it’s called and recently I learned its name although I’ve been white as a sheet for decades. Like breathing and eating I take  white privilege for granted.  I push a cart through a megastore in bib overalls and no one follows me and when I hail a cab in a snow storm, it picks me up. My freckles may be a stop sign.   Not so […]

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Poem – Sacked (By Donal Mahoney)

  When we hire people, we like to know their limitations, said Mr. Acre, commandant of personnel.   Look at Phil with his arm and hook. We could see the problem when we hired him. We’ve hired others with limitations   not as obvious and that has backfired. You and I have limitations no one can see. If ours were obvious, someone […]

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