Mystery Mars Rock Found On Surface

A mystery Mars Rock

Space scientists are trying to figure out how the mystery Mars rock shaped like a jelly doughnut suddenly appeared on Mars’s surface, in full view of the rover Opportunity’s camera. NASA scientists noticed the mystery Mars rock when reviewing images taken by Opportunity as it explored Endeavor Crater. One shot depicted an empty patch of ruddy ground, but the next […]

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Possible Mars Ring

Possible Mars Ring

Possibly in the next 40 million years Mars may develop a ring around it.  NASA says that it is quite possible because the moon Phobos of Mars is getting closer to the planet.  It is on a collision course where instead of it colliding with the planet it will break up and make a ring around it.  Another theory is […]

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Lake Found on Mars

Lake Found on Mars

Researchers have found water on Mars in a reservoir of salty, liquid water measuring about 12 miles across and almost a mile deep on the planets south pole.  This may not be the only one of the planet and it could be the source of more information regarding life on this planet. Over a billion years ago this planet may […]

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Does Pluto Have a Hidden Ocean?

Does Pluto Have a Hidden Ocean

Scientists have been looking into Pluto’s possibility of having an ocean under its icy (a minus 380 degrees Fahrenheit) surface according to NASA’s New Horizon mission.  This finding may shed some light on the internal world of Pluto.  It has always been thought that Pluto was a frigid planet totally frozen over.  They have discovered that Pluto may have an […]

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Freshwater under the ocean

Vast reserves of freshwater have been discovered beneath the seabed of continental shelves off Australia, China, North America, and South Africa—a potentially valuable resource for coastal cities needing to alleviate water shortages or combat drought. The finding comes from a new analysis of seafloor water studies conducted for oil and gas exploration purposes. The total volume of these untapped reserves […]

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Life-friendly lake on mars

NASA scientists have discovered evidence that a large freshwater lake existed on Mars billion of years ago, further strengthening the case that Earth’s neighbor once harbored life.The lake was part of a network of waterways that could have lasted thousands or even millions of years—possibly long enough for simple organisms to take hold there.Those conclusions come from an analysis of […]

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Oceans are dying

Oceans are dying due to… – sewage – radiation – heating up – acidity – dumping – overfishing   If we do not become more proactive about the longevity of our planet’s resources and the lives of all creatures, then we may very well be our own ultimate demise. So many factors effect our planet’s sea life to the point […]

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