Poem – MY COUNTRY SIDE (By Akeredolu Tope)

MY COUNTRY SIDE {Where old misty mountains adorn the sphere competing with the sky in height and glory and boisterous antelope’s race and hide behind the shrubs from *ogún’s intrusion} ~Akeredolu Tope My country side Where unruly old vultures scavenge on hot excrement Threatening even the carriers Of the meal, the happy children Pouring out yesterday’s fill                         My country […]

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Poem – DEAR JOHN (By Frank De Canio)

Dear John (the Sophie to Der Rosenkavalier) By Frank De Canio Just like the Marschallin had been resigned to cede her lover to the ingénue to whom his heart would later be inclined, so Marietta’s mistress bade adieu to her so that her “Quinquin” could pursue no younger woman but a different sex than formerly she’d been accustomed to. Perhaps […]

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