Poem – The Calendar (By David Russell)

The Calendar The sun coughed, scattered itself for a split second into myriad droplets – so divided, poured itself into the central chasm, flattening it to glory, clinching the final resilience of the chasm’s rocks – that reject sediment, so newly refined. Its roughage thickened the barriers against itself. In the beginning of time was its end, finally clinched to […]

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Poem – Site (By Austin Alexis)

  A pile of leaves, a hissing clump of dark greens and crisp browns, sliding along a sidewalk, swirling in a wind gust, propelled in a circular momentum, created for three seconds a glimpse into existence at its most fundamental, its most naked, its core.   Author Bio: Austin Alexis has published in The Ledge: Poetry and Fiction, Paterson Literary […]

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