Penitent Pope – Pope Francis Goes To Confession

Penitent Pope with President Obama

Rome Penitent Pope Francis with centuries of precedent, publicly went to confession in St. Peter’s Basilica. It was believed to be the first time confessing his own sins. The priest hearing his confession appeared to laugh at one point. Just weeks earlier, the pope also met President Obama privately for nearly an hour, twice longer than expected, an encounter that […]

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Pope Francis’ Tough Stance On Climate Change

Pope Francis

In 2015, Pope Francis, the leader the Catholic Church, issued the first-ever comprehensive set of Vatican teachings on climate change, in the form of an encyclical—or “papal letter”—sent to churches worldwide. Plans also include personally lobbying for climate action action in a series of high profile meetings ahead of the all-important UN global warming negotiations in Paris. A papal letter […]

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