Cartoon – More Guilt

Danielle Shea, 22, was charged with trying to cancel Quinnipiac University’s graduation ceremony by calling in a bomb threat. Shea, police said, didn’t want her parents to find out she had dropped out and was pocketing their tuition money.
Read more■ A Virginia teenager was booted out of her prom after fathers acting as chaperones complained that her sparkly mini-dress would “cause the young men at the prom to think impure thoughts.”The 17-year-old had made sure the dress met Richmond Homeschool Prom’s regulations for length. But she said dads who were “ogling” her as she danced suddenly sent a security […]
Read moreHave we raised “a generation of cheaters?” asked Robert Kolker in New York magazine. That’s the question people are asking after a series of major cheating scandals involving some of the nation’s top schools and colleges. New York City’s prestigious Stuyvesant High School this month suspended 12 students, and threatened to suspend 50 more, for allegedly sharing test answers via […]
Read more■ A Georgia college student faked his own kidnapping to avoid telling his parents he was flunking English. After receiving the F grade, Aftab Aslam, 19, texted his parents on behalf of a group of make-believe abductors, warning them not to call police or he would be killed. He camped out for eight days but came home when the weather […]
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