Dark matter is (probably) more complex than you think

Scientists typically believe that dark matter behaves in a simple way: if one clump encounters another, the two interact solely through gravity. However, researchers have published findings which suggest that there’s more involved. They’ve noticed dark matter (the blue lines in the photo above) lagging behind a galaxy due to friction, hinting that there are factors beyond gravity at work. […]

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A monster black hole

An international team of astronomers has detected a colossal black hole that is 12 billion times more massive than the sun—so big that it is challenging accepted cosmological thinking. Scientists discovered the enormous celestial body, which is 12.8 billion light-years from Earth, at the center of a brilliantly glowing quasar, a cloud of gas that gets superheated and gives off […]

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Pakistani activists seek to block Chinese power plants

Karachi, Pakistan Nuclear plants at risk: Pakistani activists are seeking to block the construction of two nuclear power plants in an earthquake-prone, coastal area that is vulnerable to tsunamis. The Chinese are building the two reactors—using an experimental design—less than 20 miles from the sprawling city of Karachi, where 20 million people would be at risk should a reactor meltdown […]

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The vital job of ‘junk’ DNA

Since the late 1990s, when they began decoding the human genome, scientists have believed that 98 percent of DNA is “junk,” with no function. But new research shows that most of this genetic material serves as switches that turn genes on or off, which could explain why some people predisposed to certain diseases get them, while others don’t. Our genome […]

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Opportunity’s Mission On Mars Is Complete

Opportunity's Mission On Mars Is Complete

The rover Opportunity has been roaming over the planet Mars since January 2004 and traveled over 28 miles.  It has sent back 225,000 photos of the planets surface.  The information from the rover has told us that the winter is twice as long as Earth’s winters.  Since it is longer than Earths winters the scientists didn’t expect the rover to […]

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Scientist Injects Himself With ‘Eternal Life’ Bacteria

Anatoli Brouchkov, a scientist whose curiosity and thirst for knowledge drove him to go beyond the standard protocol of his experimentation by injecting himself with an ancient “Eternal Life” bacteria. In 2009, a 3.5-million-year-old bacteria strain called Bacillus F was discovered deep in the permafrost of Siberia’s Sakha Republic. Scientists later found that mice and fruit flies exposed to the bacteria seemed to […]

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Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that antibiotic resistance has risen to dangerous levels.  If drastic action is not taken soon it will become a bigger killer than cancer by the year 2050.  The report shows that at least 2 million people in the US are infected each year with germs that are resistant […]

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