Poem – Destinations (By Gil Hoy)

Destinations – By Gil Hoy A lizard crossed my path with no skin, Just armor for protection from car treads and sun tan lotion to keep the sun’s rays out. Its tongue had just scooped up an unsuspecting grasshopper who had hopped off a blade of glistening wet grass, not knowing what was coming— having just kissed the wife and […]

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Poem – 27th HIGH WAY (By Ajise Vincent)

27TH HIGH WAY   tonight, cobblestones have eaten into the earth, the potholes are gone; tender voids, noxious like hollows of black holes. the congestion twirls & begins to evaporate like smoke. automobiles compete with winds.  & the beggar who sits with a dog, sniffing goodwill & coins. looks on, wishing the road remained shapeless, tainted with contours, like the […]

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