Flying Over Antarctica: Why Commercial Flights Avoid Antarctica

flying over Antarctica

Despite no legal prohibition on flying over Antarctica, the continent remains largely bypassed by regular commercial airlines. Experts point to a combination of environmental challenges, regulatory hurdles, and economic factors that make the South Pole a less-than-ideal route for modern aviation. Harsh Weather and Treacherous TerrainAntarctica is notorious for its extreme cold, unpredictable weather, and formidable terrain. Sudden storms, biting […]

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Makes on a plane

■ A flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia was forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger’s service dog repeatedly pooped in the aisle. The dog,Truffles, lost control of his bowels an hour into the flight, and the stench caused passengers to vomit. “That is the worst blowout I have ever smelled,” said one traveler. When flight attendants ran […]

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